


Let's practice the vocabulary about birthdays:

  • How do you feel? (Happy, sad, angry, hungry, thirsty, tired):





Let's practise the vocabulary we're learning:

- flashcards.

- matching game (juego de unir)

Online worksheets for practising (fichas interctivas para practicar -los enlaces también están disponible en la entrada de este fin de semana, 22-23 mayo-).

- There is / there are.

- On, in, under. 


  • "There's / there are. On, in, under, by."

  • Rooms of the house




  • On / in / under

This is the song we've practised in class: 


 English can be fun 😉!!


🎮🎲Quizizz (juego para repasar la unidad 🎮🎲):

Some online worksheets for practising (algunas fichas interactivas para practicar 😉):

- Matching activity: vocabulary.

- True 👍✅ or False 👎 activity.

- What are they wearing? (Guessing activity). (*Esta actividad es un poquito más difícil😉).

Describing people: 

Let's watch this video:

What are you wearing today? (Song):

This is the song we practise in class  😉:

And here you can listen to this song too :

Some online activities for practising the vocabulary:

flashcards activity.

matching game

We've also studied the different stages of the human life cycle. You can watch this video about growing up (crecer):


Can / can't and action verbs

Let's listen to this song 🔉 :

And practise animal body parts with the following interactive worksheets (practica las partes del cuerpo de los animales con las siguientes fichas interactivas. Son las mismas que se encuentran en la entrada fin de semana 13 y 14 de marzo):

- interactive worksheet 1 (ficha interactiva 1).

- interactive worksheet 2 (ficha interactiva 2. Un poquito más difícil 😉).

Let's listen to these songs:

  • Animal's body parts:

  • A song about birds: 

🍞🍝🍖what do WE EAT🍓🍅🍏?

 Two more interactive worksheets for reviewing the unit (dos fichas más para repasar la unidad)

Let's review the unit 😉 with these interactive worksheets (repasemos la unidad  con estas actividades interactivas):
  • Video: Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.


A new matching game for practising 😉:

- learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org

And an interactive worksheet:

- 1st Grade A (enlace para 1ºA)

- 1st Grade B (enlace para 1ºB)


We're learning a lot! Let's practise with the following games:

- vocabulary (para practicar vocabulario. Haz click en la imagen y adivina el nombre del alimento).

- matching game 🎮(une cada imagen con el nombre correspondiente).

 - memory game 🎴🎴

Learning can be fun!!!



  🐇what do you like about animals?🐶🐔


Guess the animal 😉:


You can find the quiz here (puedes encontrar el quiz sobre "pets" aquí).

More games: 

- farm animals (british council games).

- board game (farm animals).

- memory game (a little more difficult).

28th January 

- Song: Old MacDonald had a farm



a) Pets 🐶🐇🐁🐱🐢

In this unit, we're learning a lot about animals. Here you can find different resources.


- This is my pet 

- My pet, my buddy (it's really catchy)


  • I like / I don't like:
Videos (para comprenderlo mejor):
- Pets and like:

- I like my bird 


 Memory game (pets)


b) Farm animals 

Kat made a video about animals for us. We're really lucky!! (Kat nos ha hecho un vídeo sobre "farm animals". ¡Qué suerte tenemos!).

- farm animals

*Actividades con motivo de la suspensión de las clases presenciales por el temporal: Las actividades para estos días las podéis encontrar en la pestaña "tablón de anuncios/notice board).




Song: Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer:


It's almost Christmas!! Are you nervous? Let's listen to other songs we've been listening in class:


- A funny song about five little elves:

Let's learn and practise some Christmas vocabulary:



 And do you want to try this Christmas guessing game? 😉





(Unit 3)

Songs for practising the vocabulary ⚽🪁🛹🧸 

  • Try to guess the picture 😉:

  • This song is really catchy!


 Game  1 ⚾⚽ (matching game)

- Game 2 (drag and drop game)

If you want to check how much you know 😉:

interactive worksheet

Vocabulary video:

* And if you couldn't come to class 🗓

We're finishing the unit! And we also practised the structure "have you got...?"

(En caso de que no hayáis podido venir : activity book -we finished page 34 and we did page 35-).

My family

(Unit 2)


(This is the song we listened in class)

In this video you'll find a lot of vocabulary we've learnt. You'll learn new words too (father = dad; mother = mum; grandfather = grandpa; grandmother = grandma; aunt = auntie) 




Happy Halloween!! Trick or treat? Enjoy !!! 👻


Halloween activities:

This is one of the videos we've been watching in class. You can use your finger puppets:

 Some online games for practising:

 - Halloween vocabulary

- Memory game:

And here you can download some worksheet to work on Halloween vocabulary:

- Word search

- Maze activity 



Song / video:


- Game 1 (dragon game)

- Game 2 (memory game)

- Game (board game -pirate treasure-)

School objects and supplies. Matching game (british council)

- Crossword (online)

If you want to check how much you know, try this online worksheet:

Colours: let's watch a video about mixing colours to make new colours! 

(*Nota: en el vídeo se refiere a gris como "gray" (American English), en el libro y en el cole utilizamos "grey" (British English)).


Hi my kids!

Teacher assistant:

Our teacher assistant is called Kat!! She is going to be with us this year. She's from England, she's really nice and we're going to learn a lot!!

(Hoy hemos conocido a Kat, nuestra auxiliar de conversación. Va a estar con nosotros durante este curso. Es inglesa, es muy maja y ¡vamos a aprender un montón!)

Here you'll find some links for practising what we're learning in class 😉



This week we've been practising numbers from 1 to 10 (you nailed it!). Let's practise with this song (and let's try numbers from 1 to 20 😉):


Are you an expert 😏?? Let's check how much you know:

 - Memory numbers

Interactive worksheet 


 If you need a clue for finishing the worksheet, you can check here:



 Days of the week:

Let's remember the days of the week by listening and singing this song:

Have fun!

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